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My Personal Testimony

After a bit of back and forth, I finally fully committed my life to Jesus at the age of 23. Since I fully committed, I've taken off running and have yet to slow down. I left a life of sin and immorality behind me and received a new life in Christ Jesus. The Lord freed me from weed addiction, drinking alcohol, bisexuality, pornography addiction, generational curses, sicknesses, profanity, rejection, and the list goes on. After years of studying the Word, praying, consecrating, and fasting, the Lord blessed me with a ministry assignment. At the completion of that assignment, I was commissioned to start ministry anew with Destined Women Ministries. The best part of my life and ministry is Jesus who is at the center of it all. If you would've met me 15 years ago on the streets of Brooklyn in the midst of sin, the life God destined for me would've been unforeseeable. My hope is for you to know the wonders of God and the extent of His love. Jesus has a great destiny planned for you, and I hope you are pursuing it. Here at Destined Women Ministries, we are becoming who God destined us to be and invite you to join us on the journey. 


About Me

Certifications and Education

-Health Coach

-Life Coach

-Plant Based Science and Nutrition

-Etiquette Consultant

-Psychology Major and Religious Studies Minor


-Five Published Books

-Several Published Children's Books

-The Host of Multiple Podcasts; almost 150,000 downloads total

-Creator of YouTube channel which garnered millions of views

Hobbies and Interests

I enjoy being active and learning about natural ways to achieve health and wellness. I find joy in working with my hands; drawing, and sewing, are hobbies I've enjoyed over the years. Reading is a common pastime for me and so is writing. I am a raw vegan who loves healthy and natural foods.

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