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Testimonies (39)
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars.
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Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

This is one of the best women ministries I've encountered. I thank the Lord for allowing me to come across destined woman ministries channel. Prophetess Grace or shall I say my sibling in Christ Jesus, she is truly amazing and so humble. This channel is such a help and blessing in my life/journey, thank you sister for all that you do for the Kingdom of God. God bless all siblings in Christ and all who are apart of this ministries, I love you sister Grace. Continue to keep spreading the true word of God and may the good Lord continue to protect and keep you!!😊

Rated 4 out of 5 stars.

Good evening sister Tiffany/Grace!! I thank God for u. Apologies because I've changed my telephone and have missed our session:(😔 u hav BLESSED me ABUNDANTLY with godly counsel and encouragement. You are a jerk and gift to us sisters in Christ. Apologies for missing my session with u. Your in my prayers ... SIS. Kaheliah P.

Taz Lee Art SA
Taz Lee Art SA
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Finding this channel has been a huge blessing on my journey with God. In all honesty, I felt lost before finding this ministry. For example, I was unaware of the necessity of things like fasting(I thought that was for other religions) or even how to do it. I thought that reading the Old Testament was unnecessary and I felt that certain sexual sins were not wrong( because "science" said they were okay). I listened to so much secular and wicked music, hated church, spoke more cuss words than actual words, and like the bible says all the thoughts in my heart were beyond wicked. This ministry taught me, convicted me but most importantly gave me a sense of 'community'. I was unaware of the amount people, at different stages of their life, having similar struggles. Some are standing on the other side of the battle (victory). This ministry has kindled a desire to Fast, examine myself according to God's standard, read my bible, and pray intently. I am still in the midst of my battles however, the difference now is I know who my enemy is and how he operates. I will advise anyone to read her book: 'weight of Trauma' and watch her Livestreams on YouTube. Seeing Christians like her who have such a passionate desire to live and work for God inspires me to improve my current relationship with Him. I am still in the early stages however, I know that with patience and dedication, i will get there.💚

Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Blessings to all! How would I be able to write privately to sister Tiffany? Thank you for all you do my sister.

Meisie Nina Lediha
Meisie Nina Lediha
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

What a blessing this ministry has been to me and other ladies I have shared the videos with. Even though for others the "modesty sermon" is a hard pill to swallow I believe this message forms part of the end times message for all to hear. Holiness and purity still matters to GOD. And I pray the eyes of the blind will open. Sister Tiffany, may the LORD bless you for taking such great strides for the Kingdom of our Heavenly FATHER, may He give you strength to endure against the tide. Much love❤️


Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I'm in love with Tiffany's ministry. It's been one of my favorites over the years since Grace and Mercy unto you. She really has been a sister to me and she's really helped me to go deeper into the things of God, especially through fellowship, prophetic words, teachings, revelations, corporate prayer and much more. I just love everything she's doing and I cry because she surrendered to God for this ministry and it's abundantly blessed thousands of people, including me. I love her so so much. I agape love her lol. She's just such a blessing to my life and when I become a billionaire, I'm making a vow to sow into her $1,000 every month because she's been such a inspiration, role model and mother to me. God has used her to change, purify and plummet me into holiness and righteousness. I've obeyed what God has taught through her and I've seen the good Godly fruit of it. I thank God for her and her life and I can't worship and thank God enough for God sending her to me. I love you so much sister tiffany. You're a beautiful girl and I just thank God for you. God bless you guys and continue to be blessed and seek Yeshua with your whole heart and he will definitely live on you with his loving embracing arms. Muah 😘 God bless 😄🦋🙏🏽😘

Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Amazing Ministry!

Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I have been following Tiffany since 2018 and she has always preached the word of God and the growth is amazing! I have been poured into by her and blessed in many ways in my life by her teachings. The Prophetic warnings that she gives have prepared me and I have in turn prepared my husband and children as well as warning family and friends.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I'm excited to be part of this ministry. I have been watching you for years now and have grow in every way. You are a awesome Woman Of God appreciate all you been led to do to give knowledge and to be a great inspiration to others like me. Continue to be use by the Lord to a blesing. Love you sister Tiffany bless you more than ever!

Servant Kaye
Servant Kaye
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

💕Much love to this ministry because it has helped me to grow beyond measures in the Lord! Thankyou mama Brown

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